Episode 44: The Symbol of the Lover

One of the most archetypal experiences we undergo in this lifetime is the search for the "other." We move through the world as individuals, learning and growing on our own path of development, but eventually, we begin to yearn for another to share space and time with. Enter the symbol of the lover. 

Is the beloved a mirror? A focal point of projections that teaches us something about ourselves? An angel? A secret challenge to our sense of self? How can we undo the tight laces of "Me" and unfold into a "We"? This episode explores these questions. 

With cues from the Lovers card in the tarot, the myth of Psyche and Eros, medieval romantic courtly love, and our own reflections on love, and the beloved, this episode is our Valentine's Day gift to the world :) 

At the episode's end, we analyze a dream that involves Hekate and wild animals. 


Cristina's signature class, The School of Astrological Arcana (formerly called The Art of Chart Interpretation, and The School of Divine Sympathies - forgive her Gemini Moon!!) is open for enrollment!! Use the code ASTROAA through February 15th for $20 off enrollment, as well as some rich freebies -- a 44 pages Archetypal Astrology guidebook, a free 90 minute seminar, "Myths from Underground."

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Soror Mystica

Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella


Episode 45: The Symbol of the Eclipse


Episode 43: The Symbol of the Collective Unconscious