Join our Community: The Cloister
Connect with like-minded seekers, join our book club, enjoy bonus podcast material…
Join us in our general community space, where we'll be holding ongoing discussions on our favorite myths and symbols, holding space for dream interpretation, and sharing our most supportive insights as your tarot/astrology duo.
In The Alchemical Library, you're invited to the Cloister's community space, described above, PLUS an invitation to our Soror Mystica Book Club!
We'll be coming together to read our favorite esoteric books in a supportive community environment, and meeting to discuss our literary findings.
In The Oratorium, enjoy the offerings of the previous two tiers PLUS tune in to bonus mini-episodes of Soror Mystica!
Cristina and Mariana will be diving deeper into more niche topics, inspired by the conversations in our publicly shared episodes.
Help Soror Mystica continue to grow by signing on as a Soror Producer!
You'll enjoy access to all of the above tier perks, PLUS be listed as a producer in our show materials, and given a verbal shout out on air!