Episode 6: The Symbol of Triplicity

The concept of the “three” follows us throughout the cultural imagination, whether in the form of the primordial triple goddess, the trifecta of maiden-mother-crone, the Holy trinity of Father-Son-Holy Spirit, or the three fates, the three graces, the magic of being granted three wishes in fairy tale… the list goes on.

But what does the symbol of triplicity really mean, what does it hold in its triumvirate unity? Tune in to our sixth episode, where we explore the symbol of triplicity in all its mythic, spiritual, and enchanted manifestations, to learn more about the meaning of this complex concept.


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Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella

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Referenced Materials

The Asteroid Goddesses, Demetra George

Gerard Adler (feminine triplicity reference quote)

Jung and Tarot: an Archetypal Journey, Sally Nichols


Episode 7: The Symbol of the Familiar


Episode 5: The Symbol of the Rose