Episode 11: The Symbol of the Sun

In episode eleven, we move away from the realm of the Moon (explored in episode ten), and enter the bright hot realm of the Sun. The Sun is a symbol of illumination, vitality, clarity, and expansion. 

It is manifestational in regards to the practical things of life, and guides us through our day-world tasks. Without the Sun, there is no light by which to navigate our world. The symbol of the Sun offers more than just "sight" or "illumination," and in this conversation, Mariana and Cristina trace the golden rays of Sol through tarot, astrology, alchemy, mythology, and beyond. 

We hope this episode inspires your own solar flashes of insight and brilliance. Happy listening! 


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Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella

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Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

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Link to enroll in Mariana's Foundations of the Tarot workshop!
Enrollment ends 5/22!


Episode 12: The Symbol of Divine Music


Episode 10: The Symbol of the Moon