Episode 12: The Symbol of Divine Music

In our world, music is everywhere. Whether we're curating playlists for our morning commutes, or waiting in line at the pharmacy, or enjoying a night out in restaurants, bars, clubs, or attending a religious service, or listening to hold music while waiting for tech support on the phone, setting the mood on a date... the list goes on and on! 

What is it about music that makes it our most everpresent, ubiquitous, cherished art form? Why does it flood our world with its sound, and what does it offer us? Join us in the twelfth episode of Soror Mystica as we explore the symbol of divine music. We discuss our own musical preferences and talents, and explore music's primordial connection to ritual and poetry, explore the magic of the spheres, music in myth, the idea of the "duende," music and its power to uplift, and music as a powerful vehicle for grief. 

As a ~treat~ for this episode, we made a playlist of the songs we discussed in this episode, supplemented by some enchanting faves. You can find that here.

Special thanks to this episode's ad partner, Vibes de Alma! 


IG: @vibesdelalma


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Episode 13: Meeting the Soror Mystica


Episode 11: The Symbol of the Sun