Episode 13: Meeting the Soror Mystica

In alchemical writings, the Soror Mystica was known as the “mystic sister,” the woman who would attend sacred experiments of the alchemists. Carl Jung wrote of her, “many of those old philosophers had found out that there is no real philosophy if you don’t face the anima, and so many of them had a so-called soror mystica, a friend in God.” The soror mystica’s presence was requisite, so as to ensure the completion of the alchemist’s sacred workings.

But who was the soror mystica? The image of the female alchemist is potent and exciting, but her appearances in alchemical literature are scant. In this episode, we turn to other examples of the mystic sister, the woman in touch with something sacred, and divine. Join us as we contemplate figures like Hildegard von Bingen, the Oracle at Delphi, Maria Prophetissa, Mary Magdalene, and Hilma af Klint, as we shed light on the soror mystica in her own power.

This episode’s sacred symbol is shared by a listener who has a synchronistic experience with the spirit of a loved one and the appearance of a favorite flower.

Special thanks to this episode’s ad partner, Vibes de Alma.



Vibes de Alma


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Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella

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The Work of Hilma af Klint

Works by Hildegard von Bingen


Episode 14: The Symbol of the Holy Mountain


Episode 12: The Symbol of Divine Music