Episode 15: The Symbol of the Psychopomp

The sacred thresholds of the world are guarded by Hermes Psychopompos, the one who ferries us across boundaries, between realms. Many of us are familiar with the figure of Mercury, the Roman messenger god, but Mercury had another formulation, that of the psychopomp, who delivered spirits from life into the underworld, and who exists in stages of dream and waking life. 

In our 15th episode, we contemplate the symbol of the psychopomp, exploring how this figure of “in-betweenness” appears in our imaginative, spiritual, and mythic contexts. With grace, the psychopomp delivers us from one life situation to the next, and in the process of that delivery, opens up new realms of awareness of the psyche and the soul. We hope you love the episode, and that it helps you tune in to your own psychopomp. 

Special thanks to this episode’s ad partner, Vibes del Alma! https://www.vibesdelalma.com

If you enjoy this episode, please remember to leave us a rating or review on Apple podcasts or Spotify :) 

Share Your Symbols

Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

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Mythology for Astrologers

Join Cristina in a four week immersion into the symbols and stories of the seven traditional planets and twelve signs of the zodiac. Mythology for Astrologers is a course designed to teach you the exact images, stories, characters, and insights from myth that can help deepen your astrology practice, today. Registration closes July 25th, and you can grab your tickets here. https://www.cristinafarella.com/mythologyforastrologers


Episode 16: The Symbol of the Spiral


Episode 14: The Symbol of the Holy Mountain