Episode 16: The Symbol of the Spiral


For those of us who study the psyche, the soul, and methods of personal development, we often expect there to be a “beginning, middle, and end” of our individuation, or healing, processes. After some time, some trial and error, some triumphs and some setbacks, we begin to realize that progress itself is never linear, but is instead spiralitic. 

To return again and again to the same issue, the same feeling, the same experience, we may feel frustrated or like we’re lost. The symbol of the spiral is a powerful reminder to us all that no life story is a straightforward path, but rather an experience of cyclic simultaneity. To find the self, we spiral upwards or downwards, and that spiral path is a gift to us all. 

Join us as we explore the symbol of the spiral, tracing it through psychoanalytic settings, the tarot, planetary cycles, and more. 

Our listener symbol this episode comes from your co-host Cristina! She shares with us two dreams of doors, and she and Mariana discuss what this symbol might mean 

Special thanks to our ad partner Moon Magic Wellness!

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Share Your Symbols

Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

Mythology for Astrologers

Join Cristina in a four week immersion into the symbols and stories of the seven traditional planets and twelve signs of the zodiac. Mythology for Astrologers is a course designed to teach you the exact images, stories, characters, and insights from myth that can help deepen your astrology practice, today. Class has already started, but you can catch up with the first lecture and grab your tickets here. https://www.cristinafarella.com/mythologyforastrologers


Episode 17: The Symbol of the Swan


Episode 15: The Symbol of the Psychopomp