Episode 2: Living Your Myth

In episode 2 of Soror Mystica, Mariana and Cristina explore the wild and wonderful concept of living your myth.

The world we inhabit has very much moved away from that which is mythic, ritual-oriented. Myths connect us to the earth and to the divine, but contemporary life de-emphasizes the importance of these topics, which have been important for all of human history.

Listen to this conversation where we discuss how the collective lost its connection to myth, what it means to mindfully recover that connection, and some practical tips on how to do so. We spend time with a listener’s synchronistic symbol of “The Chariot.”


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Soror Mystica Podcast

Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella

Share Your Symbols

Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

Referenced Materials

Podcast “Pathways with Joseph Campbell”

Karen Armstrong, A Short History of Myth

Edward Edinger, The Eternal Drama

Rollo May, The Cry for Myth


Episode 3: The Marriage of Tarot & Astrology


Episode 1: The Symbol of the Dream