Episode 3: The Marriage of Tarot & Astrology

In episode 3 of Soror Mystica, Mariana and Cristina discuss the rich histories of their respective divinatory tools, tarot and astrology.

Both of these systems have deep historical contexts of their own, but it’s very common these days to see them as overlapping, or interchangeable systems.

This episode explores what’s similar between tarot and astrology, and how they are both important tools for connecting to psyche, from diverging perspectives. We discuss the shared correspondences between the major arcana and the signs and planets in astrology, the history and meaning of the Chaldean decans and their correlation to the minor arcana, and offer ritual and practical ideas for blending tarot and astrology.

In our "Pulling the Symbols" segment, we explore a listener's connection with the figure of Persephone, her myth and archetypal meaning.


Episode 4: The Quaternity of the Elements


Episode 2: Living Your Myth