Episode 8: The Path of Individuation

“Individuation,” a topic of interest in Jungian psychoanalytic circles, can be defined as "the process through which individuals are formed and differentiated" from the general collective. Individuation is a crucial process for those who are trying to bring awareness to the depths of their personal truth, and who seek liberation from the projections, and internal conflicts, that may belabor their own personal psychology. 

Put more simply, individuation can be thought of as the process of coming to awareness of the truth of self in relation to the group, and the path we take to claim that truth. We explore this subject in episode eight of Soror Mystica. 

From our varied perspectives on tarot and astrology, we're able to offer different tools and approaches for finding the path of individuation, whether you're seeking clarity through the storyline of the major arcana in the tarot, or looking to pieces of the natal chart, like the Sun, the Midheaven/IC axis, or personal astrological cycles. 

Tune in to immerse yourself in our personal reflections on individuation, how our occult tools can help, how to even *know* if you're individuating, the search for personal wholeness, and more. Our listener symbol comes to us from someone who identifies a beautiful synchronicity in their lives, while processing the loss of a loved one. 

Many thanks to the Jung Archademy, who is this episode's ad partner. 


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Cristina Farella

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Jung Archademy



Referenced Materials

All quotes from this episode are pulled from The Quotable Jung, Princeton University Press

These quotes specifically come from Jung's Psychological Types, The Undiscovered Self, "Transformation Symbolism in the Mass," and "Forward to White's God and the Unconscious."


Episode 9: The Symbol of Resurrection


Episode 7: The Symbol of the Familiar